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! * LolaStar Hearts | UK Beauty and Lifestyle Blog * !

Monday, November 5, 2012

Firmoo Glasses - Vision And Fashion, The Frugal Way ...

I have this really vivid memory of when I was younger and my mum took me to the opticians to get my eyes tested. The optician said I needed glasses for reading and television and such, so then came the arduous task of picking a pair. My mum was being particularly impatient that day, or I was being particularly indecisive – I can’t remember, but all I know is that the lovely shop assistant saved me from a narrow escape. My mum had picked up a pair of BOYS glasses and pretty much twisted my arm into agreeing on them. Luckily the assistant picked up a pair of girls purple glasses that I loved and my mum put the boys glasses down.

Fast forward to present day, I do have a few eye issues but nothing serious enough to warrant a pair of specs. However glasses are becoming more and more fashionable these days, so ‘bad eyes’ shouldn’t be the only reason we don a pair.

Firmoo.com is the world’s most popular online glasses store. And with good reason, the prices are fantastic. “Vision and fashion, the frugal way.”

I recently picked a pair of Wayfarer-style glasses* from the website and I’m really impressed with them.

The website is really easy to use, you can upload your picture to determine what frames suit you and pick from an array of colours. Firmoo also include all of the measurements too so you can make sure your frames will be a perfect fit. Since I don’t need prescription glasses, I opted to get mine with clear lenses.

My glasses arrived really quickly and came in a little bag and brown case, with a dust cloth, a mini screwdriver and a spare screw. Handy.

The frames are really lovely. I chose black with grey temples, but they’re also available in a blue or red variation.

Unfortunately in my haste to get my hands on them I didn’t measure my temple properly so they’re a little uncomfortable to wear for too long.

I really love the frames; they almost make me wish I needed real glasses – almost. And at just $19.50 (roughly £12) they’re a steal.

Firmoo also do FREE GLASSES. Yes you did read that right, free glasses indeed.

Firmoo frames start at just $8 and are available exclusively on the Firmoo website. You can check out their free glasses promotion here.

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